
Winning Tactics For Bloomberg Business week…

Complicated story now that the bankruptcy Business now the hurricane they’ve been negotiating with creditors to try and figure out how much money they’re gonna get back how likely though is it .
The debt can just be wiped out you know I consider this the equivalent of Ford’s drop-dead to New York City comment which of course the headline the Daily News back in the s except in that case.

He had the ability to do something for New York City in this case it doesn’t make sense it’s not really possible for the federal government to eliminate the debt of immense municipality and.
you mentioned hedge funds let’s talk about them for a second separate from individual investors those Business Development hedge funds are very savvy investors who have been in the process of suing Facebook or negotiating and trying.
To you know figure out how what they’re gonna get back on their investments and by the way Trump Business Development knows extremely well what is like to deal with bondholders who are savvy bondholders who.

Doesn’t just say okay fine you know we’ll we’ll wipe the dead away and call it a day before exactly where Castle Alexandra Alexandra if you’re an individual investor and say you have exposure through mutual funds.

Etas of the like given the fluidity of the the situation down there how concerned should you be Business Development so that’s a really interesting question because you were showing that graph before the quarter Ito eighths that we’re already training in forty four cents on.
